Finalist for Supporting our People​

Sydney Local Health District

Finalist for Supporting our People 

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA Hospital) recognises that people with significant disability face many barriers to participating in the workforce. In 2008 it aspired to reduce health inequities by overcoming barriers to open employment, while increasing diversity and its associated benefits in the workplace.

RPA Hospital trialled an innovative partnership with a local disability training and employment agency, Jobsupport and became the first workplace in Australia to implement an immersion program for people with significant intellectual disability (IQ less than 60). The Employ-my-ability program aims to achieve paid, unsubsidised employment.

Results show 89 per cent of clients achieved employment. By comparison, the average transition-to-work across Sydney is 30 per cent. Sydney Local Health District now has 15 participating departments and is directly employing more clients.​​​

Current as at: Friday 10 November 2017