December 2022 edition : Statewide initiative for diabetes management

NSW Health, in partnership with NSW Primary Health Networks, is taking a value based healthcare approach to improve the health outcomes and experiences of care for people living with diabetes in NSW.  

The aim is to support alignment and coordination of activities to achieve improved outcomes across the system, rather than to stop or replace existing work. 

The statewide initiative has been developed with input from across the NSW health system. Representatives from local health districts and specialty health networks contributed to the key focus areas and outcomes to create a guidance document, Integrating care for people with diabetes

Why do we need a statewide approach to diabetes? 

  • The prevalence of diabetes in NSW is rising. Around 11.1 percent of people were estimated to have diabetes in 2018, up from 6.5 percent in 2002. This puts pressure on current and future demand for health resources. 
  • More patients are being treated in hospital for complications of diabetes rather than for diabetes itself. Particularly for circulatory, digestive, kidney, eye or respiratory system issues.  
  • Evidence suggests that diagnosing and managing diabetes earlier can lower acute care needs.  
  • Patients are telling us we need to provide more coordinated, multidisciplinary care, to empower patients as partners in their care, and build capability in the workforce.   
  • Working in a siloed approach can lead to duplication, inefficiencies and further exacerbate health inequities.  

How is the initiative being implemented?  

Each region is unique and operates within a different context. Past experiences have demonstrated that locally developed solutions are needed to address local priorities. 
Districts and networks have been encouraged to strengthen partnerships with Primary Health Networks and local healthcare providers. The aim is to develop joint governance structures that can support a one health system approach to designing, implementing, and monitoring locally relevant responses to identified priorities for diabetes management in their region. 
To complement, a statewide governance structure is being developed and will oversee four workstreams that focus on developing, implementing, and scaling system wide enablers and solutions to address key areas of the initiative.  
In November 2022 an Expression of Interest process was conducted seeking representation from clinicians, service managers, researchers, Non-Government Organisations and consumers with lived experience to join the statewide implementation working groups. These groups are expected to begin work in early 2023.  

More information 

NSW Health staff can access more information and resources about this initiative on the Value@NSWHealth SharePoint.

Current as at: Thursday 8 December 2022
Contact page owner: Strategic Reform and Planning