Transcript of CORE Tips - Collaboration.

Susan Pearce: Every day in the Ministry, I think most of us come to work, very, very few of us work in isolation, and most of us are coming to work and working within a team. Some of us, obviously, work in different parts of the team, will lead the team, but teamwork is a very big part of what we do. And not only do we have teams within the Ministry, but we have a very big team outside of this building, full of our our local health districts, special networks and all of the other services that make up NSW Health. So when I think about collaborating in teamwork, I guess I'm thinking about how each day when I come to work, I include the people around me and the decisions particularly that I have to make and how I work with the local health districts in particular in this role to ensure that I'm collaborating with them and we're all working as a team.

It's not easy. It's not easy because there are a lot of years out there and you know without getting in into you know to broaden it too much really, where it is about trying to take into account the views of a range of different people when you're collaborating and working as a team. At a more granular level, in terms of the teams within the Ministry, I think it's also about acknowledging that the individual contributions of team members and how we do that and how we make sure that people do feel included and and that there is true collaboration around the issues that we're managing. Not everything is something that we have to collaborate around and and I guess that's part of you know again talking about decision making. You've got to determine when you've got to collaborate and at other times when you've just got to get on with things as an individual, but for the most part I think it's fair to say that most of the work in this building and beyond as I've said is certainly a team effort. Ultimately we've got you know I think the number the number varies depending on who you're talking to, but you know something in the order of a hundred and forty thousand staff across the NSW health system at large. Very large organisation and and at the Ministry, you know collaborating and working with a team does have to take account of that very large population within the New South Wales health system.

Current as at: Monday 18 November 2019