Our health services for young people are confidential. The We keep it zipped resources are for young people aged 12-24. They explain confidentiality of health services and young people's health rights.
The set of resources includes a poster, pocket-sized card, and an online factsheet.
Confidentiality information for young people explains their rights. There is an Easy Read version.
Youth friendly confidentiality resources - Information for services explains how the resources can be used by service providers.
The first edition of these resources was developed in partnership with South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, Sydney Local Health District and 2Connect Youth & Community in 2014. The resources were developed through extensive consultation with an identified expert group including young people.
This revised edition reflects new information and changes in the health system since 2014 and most information has been moved online (see Confidentiality information for young people). It aligns with the NSW Youth Health Framework 2017-2024.
To order printed copies of the poster and pocket-sized card, please visit Publications.