
The NSW Health Genomics Strategy articulates a shared vision for clinical genomics in NSW, promoting collaboration to avoid fragmentation and duplication of resources.

Genomic technology can provide greater accuracy in determining disease risk, assessing diagnosis and prognosis, and informing the selection of therapeutic options for care. It is already being applied in a range of clinical contexts in NSW, raising strategic challenges and choices to be addressed if the promise of precision medicine and personalised care are to be fully realised.

The strategy makes recommendations and describes pathways to implementation. To achieve this, NSW will build on current partnerships with service providers, clinicians, researchers, industry and consumers. Working together, we can achieve the NSW vision for clinical genomics.

Implementation Plan

The NSW Health Genomics Strategy Implementation Plan 2021-25 has been developed with consumers, clinicians, researchers and health managers using a co-design approach.

This plan builds on the significant achievements in delivering foundational initiatives described in the NSW Health Genomics Strategy Implementation Plan 2018-20.

Over the next five years and beyond, NSW will continue to work towards realising the vision of the NSW Health Genomics Strategy, through delivering key initiatives in clinical genomics focused to enhance disease management and prevention across the NSW Health system.

File Size: 1822 kb
Type: Strategy
Date of Publication: 30 June 2017
ISBN: 978-1-76000-684-6
SHPN: (HSP&I) 170381