9. Your prescription

A doctor writing on a clipboard on a desk.

Your doctor will write a prescription for the medication you need to end your life.

A prescription document with an icon of a bottle of medication on it and a signature.

A prescription:

  • is a document from your doctor
  • tells a pharmacist which medication to give you.

A pharmacist showing a person some medication.

A pharmacist is a person who:

  • works at a pharmacy
  • gives you medicine.

2 people from the Pharmacy Service behind a bench.

Your doctor will send your prescription to the NSW Voluntary Assisted Dying Pharmacy Service.

In this guide we just call them the Pharmacy Service.

The Pharmacy Service is a group of pharmacists who:

A person from the Pharmacy Service at a counter with medication bottles and a register.

  • supply voluntary assisted dying medication

A person fro mthe Pharmacy Service supporting a person. They are holding a bottle of medication.

  • support people to use voluntary assisted dying medication.

A prescription document with a magnifying glass next to it.

A pharmacist will check the prescription.

A person pointing to you with a cross next to them.

You don’t need to do anything for this step.