Resources to aid non-government organisations (NGOs) contracted by NSW Health to provide alcohol and other drug treatment services in understanding and meeting the core performance indicator requirements.

Performance indicator frequently asked questions

NSW Health NGO AOD Performance Indicators - Frequently asked questions for contracted NGOs.

Performance indicator specifications

Specifications describe the intent, required data format and reporting, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and related references for each performance indicator:

Performance indicator fact sheets

Fact sheets provide some general information about the performance indicator topics:

Reporting resources

Reporting resources provide practice tips and templates to support reporting against the core performance indicators:


Communiques provide an update on the work being undertaken by the Ministry of Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch, local health districts and Non Government Organisations on improving contractual arrangements for the delivery of alcohol and other drug treatment services:

NSW Health policy

NSW Health Policy Directive 2015_14 - Data Dictionary and Collection Requirements for the NSW MDS for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services

Further support

  • Enquiries about these resources can be made through the Alcohol and other Drug Branch Safety and Quality Team on
  • These and other organisational support resources are freely available on the Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA)
  • Organisations with enquiries about their service delivery contracts are directed to the NSW Health contract managers in either local health districts or in the Ministry of Health AOD Branch.

Current as at: Wednesday 20 June 2018