The New South Wales Ministry of Health is the regulatory authority for privately owned and operated private health facilities across the state. Within the Ministry of Health the Regulation and Compliance Unit has responsibility on behalf of the Secretary, NSW Health for regulating private health facilities and enforcing licensing standards under the:
The objects of the Private Health Facilities Act are:
The legislation sets the requirements for licensing including the minimum standards for the provision of safe, appropriate and quality health care for patients in private health facilities in NSW. Standards can be prescribed in respect to any matter relating to the safety, care or quality of life of patients at private health facilities, including the following matters:
The Private Health Facilities Regulation 2017 specifies 19 classes of private health facilities and sets out the standards facilities are required to meet for each type of class. Facilities can be licenced for more than one class.
The NSW Ministry of Health adopts a risk management approach and works with the owners and managers of private health facilities to ensure that the appropriate standards of safety, care and quality of life for patients are met. The Secretary, NSW Health can cancel a licence if there is serious non-compliance with an Act or Regulation.
The Regulation and Compliance Unit is also responsible for the administration of:
Regulation and Compliance UnitTelephone: +61 2 93919000Email: AddressLocked Mail Bag 2030, St Leonards NSW 1590