The Australian Government (who is leading the roll-out of the national COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy) has launched a $23.9 million COVID-19 vaccine public information campaign to encourage Australians to get a COVID-19 vaccine once available.

The campaign will keep Australians informed and up-to-date about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines as they become available, including when, how and where to get the vaccine.

The campaign consists of animations and live action videos featuring Dr Nick Coatsworth, Professor Alison McMillan and Professor John Skerritt, with Professor Tom Calma AO voicing the radio and animated videos for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander audience.

To ensure the campaign reaches all Australians, special committees representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people with a disability and the multicultural community are informing the communication approach, ensuring communications are appropriate and disseminated through the best communication channels to these communities.

The three-phased COVID-19 vaccination campaign will:

  • Reaffirm that COVID-19 vaccines have been put through our world-leading independent approvals process (Therapeutic Goods Administration), ensuring both the safety and efficacy of our vaccine candidates.
  • Provide information on how the vaccine will be rolled out, particularly to priority groups, and dosage requirements.
  • Inform people about how and where to get vaccinated, dosage requirements, and support vaccine uptake.

It will be shown on television, radio, newspapers, signage in public places, digital and social channels across Australia, over the coming months. There will be specific media channels for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and Aboriginal audiences.

In addition to the paid advertising campaign, the Australian Government will continue to engage with a range of stakeholders to support the development and implementation of the campaign, including state and territory government agencies, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and multicultural stakeholders, and key sector groups (e.g. health, aged care, disability, education, employment, travel, transport and hospitality industries).

A range of communication resources have been developed, including several animated explainer videos, posters and social media tiles. These resources are also offered in 64 languages.

Resources are available via the Australian Government website. You can also subscribe to COVID-19 vaccine updates from the Australian Government.  

For more information about the vaccine roll-out in NSW visit COVID-19 vaccination in NSW.

Current as at: Thursday 4 February 2021
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW