Guidance on use of the iDose™ system by registered nurses at NSW public health facilities

iDose™ is an electronic medication administration device which accurately extracts methadone oral solution/syrup from a bottle and records each dose administered in an electronic medication administration record.  

The accuracy of the iDose™ device is reduced when the remaining volume in the bottle is below approximately 100 mL. To reduce wastage, consolidating residual volumes into a single bottle is permitted and consistent with legislation.

To continue accurate dosing using the iDose™ device, Registered Nurses may transfer methadone between bottles of the same brand and batch number if they are trained and competent to safely do so under a local written procedure approved by the Drug and Therapeutics Committee.

Any residual methadone oral solution/syrup remaining in a partly used stock bottle at the end of each day's dosing should be transferred to another partly used stock bottle of the same brand and batch number. In circumstances where the residual amount cannot be transferred into another partly used bottle (of the same brand and batch number), both bottles are to be returned to the safe and the balance recorded.

Facilities are to have appropriate procedures for handling and recording of S8 medications when electronic 'downtime' prevents the use of the iDose™ device.

If you have any questions about this guidance, please contact the Centre for Alcohol and Other Drugs on



Current as at: Friday 11 December 2020