Providing consent for your child to receive a vaccination at school

The NSW School Vaccination Program portal allows parents/guardians to provide online consent for their child to receive the routine vaccinations.

Find out how to log in to the portal, provide or withdraw consent for your child to receive a vaccination at school and edit your or your child's personal details.

Last updated: 16 October 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What is the NSW School Vaccination Program?

NSW Health works in partnership with schools to offer the vaccines recommended for adolescents by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in a school-based vaccination program. In Year 7, children are offered the human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) vaccines and in Year 10 they are offered the meningococcal ACWY vaccine. Parents/guardians must provide consent for their child to receive routine vaccinations. For more information about school vaccination visit NSW School Vaccination Program.

How do I provide consent for my child to receive a vaccination at school?

This NSW School Vaccination Program portal allows parents/guardians to provide online consent for their child to receive the routine vaccinations. Your child’s school will provide you with a link to the portal, where you can log in using your ServiceNSW account on any device with an internet connection. To meet online security requirements, you will need to provide both your and your child’s Medicare card number to proceed online. If you or your child do not have a Medicare card, consent can be still provided by requesting a paper-based consent form directly from your child’s school.

Consent process overview

  1. Access the link to the NSW School Vaccination Program Portal and follow the steps to log in to your existing ServiceNSW account. This is the same account you may already use to renew your driver’s licence. If you don’t have a ServiceNSW account, refer to ServiceNSW to create one.
  2. Update or confirm your personal details in your ServiceNSW as required.
  3. Complete the School Vaccination Consent Form for your child/ren. You will need to:
    1. Enter your child’s personal details
    2. Provide the Medicare card details for you and your child
    3. Read the linked Parent Information Sheet
    4. Provide consent

On this page


Translations are available

Please visit NSW School Vaccination Program homepage to view this document in other languages.

How to log in to the NSW School Vaccination Program Portal


Use Google Chrome

Google Chrome  is the preferred browser to use when accessing the NSW School Vaccination Program Portal.

  1. From the NSW Health link, select Service NSW Account
    The ServiceNSW Account Log in page will display.
    Note: If you do not have a Service NSW account, visit MyServiceNSW to register.

  2. In the Log in screen, type in your ServiceNSW account details:
    1. Enter your Email
    2. Enter your Password
    3. Select Continue​

  3. The Complete your profil​​​e page will display.

    In the Parent/Guardian Details section, update any details as required.
    The information that can be edited is:

    1. ​Given Name
    2. Family Name
    3. Sex
    4. Date of birth
    5. Mobile number
    6. Best alternate number​​
    Note: If you do not have a Given or Family name, select the tick box I have No Given Name or Family Name​.
  4. In the Your Medicare Details section:
    1. Enter your Medicare number
    2. Enter your Individual reference number (IRN)

  5. ​​Select Confirm
    ​​The NSW School Vaccination Program homepage will display.

How to provide consent for your child to receive a vaccination at school

Important information

If your child does not have a Medicare card, consent for vaccination can be still given by requesting a paper-based consent form directly from your child’s school.

  1. From the NSW School Vaccination Program homepage select Provide consent. The School Vaccination Consent Form will display.
    Screenshot of program portal provide consent button
  2. In the School Clinic section:
    1. Select your child’s school
    2. School Year
  3. In the Your Child’s Details section:
    1. ​Enter their Given Name
    2. ​Enter their Family Name
    3. Select their Sex
    4. Select Indigenous status
    5. Enter your child's date of birth in the format DD-MM-YYYY
    Note: If child has only one name, select the tick box Child has no Given Name or Family Name.​​​
  4. In the Parent/Guardian Details section, select your Relationship to student.
  5. In the Australian Address section, type in the child’s address.
    Screenshot of program portal with search for home address
  6. ​​In the Child’s Medicare Details section:
    1. ​Enter the child’s Medicare number
    2. ​Enter the child’s Individual reference number (IRN)
    Screenshot of program portal with fields for medicare number and child's reference number
  7. Select the Parent Information Sheet to read the benefits and risks vaccination.​
    Screenshot of program portal with information and links to parent information sheet
    A new browser tab will open to display the Parent Information Sheet and Privacy Statement.​
  8. Read and select the declaration statements to indicate:
    1. You have read and understood the Parent Information Sheet
    2. You have read and understood the Privacy Statement
    3. Your child does not have any of the listed medical conditions
    Screenshot of program portal with declaration statements and checkboxes to indicate consent.


    Important information

    If the child has any of the listed medical conditions, it may not be suitable for them to receive the vaccination and you should seek medical advice.

  9. In the Consented Vaccines section, select to indicate your consent of the vaccines.
    Screenshot of program portal with consent statements for vaccines, and checkboxes to select to indicate consent.
    Note: Consent must be provided for a child to receive their vaccination. Students over the age of 18 can provide their own consent.
  10. Enter any additional comments you would like the school to be aware of in the Additional Comment field.
    Screenshot of program portal with text field for additional comments
  11. Select Submit.

    All information you have entered has been saved and consent has been recorded.
  12. The ​Consent Recorded page will display with important details for you to read. A copy of the consent will be text and emailed to you.
  13. To provide consent for another child, select Provide consent for another child.
    Screenshot of program portal 'provide consent for another child' button
    A new School Vaccination Consent Form will display. Follow steps 2-11 of this guide to complete the form.
  14. To return to the School Vaccination Program homepage select Return to home.
    Screenshot of program portal return to home button
    The School Vaccination Program homepage will display.
    Screenshot of program portal homepage header

How to withdraw consent

  1. From the NSW School Vaccination Program homepage select Edit consent.

    The Manage Consent Form will display.
  2. In the Manage Consent form, select the relevant checkboxes to withdraw consent.
    Screenshot of program portal with select fields to withdraw consent and a text field for additional comments
    Enter any additional comments you would like in the Additional Comment field.
  3. Select the relevant Parent Information Sheet to read the benefits and risks of vaccination. The Parent Information Sheet is available in other languages by selecting the option Information in other languages.

    Screenshot of program portal with information and links to parent information sheet

    A new browser tab will open to display the selected Parent Information Sheet.
  4. Select Confirm.
    Screenshot of program portal confirm button
    The Manage consent page will display.
  5. The consent status will now display Consent withdrawn.

    Consent for the dTpa vaccination has been withdrawn. To ensure the student is not vaccinated, consent must be withdrawn individually for each vaccine.
    Note: Consent must be provided for a child to receive their vaccination at school.

How to edit your child’s personal details

  1. From the NSW School Vaccination Program homepage, select Edit information in the Manage Consent section.

    The Edit information form will display.
  2. In the Edit information form, update the relevant fields.
    The information that can be edited is:
    • Given Name
    • Family Name
    • Sex
    • Indigenous status
    • Date of birth
    • Parent Details: Relationship to student
    • Child’s Australian Address
    •  Child's Medicare details
    If you wish to change school year, consent must be withdrawn and a new consent must be provided​.
  3. ​ Select Confirm.
    Screenshot of program portal confirm button
    The changes have been saved and the Manage consent page will display.

How to edit your personal details

  1. From the NSW School Vaccination Program homepage, select Your Name and select Update My Personal Details.

    The Please Update Your Personal Details As The Parent or Guardian page will display.
  2. In the Please Update Your Personal Details As The Parent or Guardian form, update the relevant field.

  3. The information that can be edited is:

    • Given Name
    • Family Name
    • Mobile number
    • Best alternate number

    If you do not have a Given or Family name, select the tick box I have No Given Name or Family Name.

  4. Select Confirm.
    Screenshot of program portal confirm button
    The changes have been saved and the Manage consent page will display.


Translated guides are available in:

Current as at: Wednesday 16 October 2024
Contact page owner: Immunisation