While Ebola virus disease continues to ravage part of west Africa, NSW Health has been working to ensure NSW hospitals and clinicians are well prepared for possible cases should they present here.

Nationally and locally, work by NSW Health and partner agencies has included the development of:

  • Comprehensive risk assessment and follow up of travellers from affected countries, including returning aid workers and humanitarian immigrants
  • The revised Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Contingency Plan
  • The Ebola Virus Disease National Guideline for public health units
  • Emergency Department (ED), GP, and community health triage charts
  • Posters for ED and GP waiting rooms
  • Guidance and procurement of personal protective equipment for front line staff
  • Training and exercises at the state and local levels

Communications through multiple conference calls with potentially impacted clinical and public health networks have been key for sharing intelligence, developing protocols, and learning from experiences.

For an overview of preparedness activities and resources go to NSW Health Ebola Resources

In the meantime, the routine work to protect against less exotic diseases continues. In this edition we provide a few examples, as well as the usual bunch of quizzes to keep you on your toes.

Current as at: Thursday 4 December 2014
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW