Trends in alcohol use and health-related harms in NSW: Report of the Chief Health Officer 2016


The Health of People of NSW: Report of the Chief Health Officer series has been produced regularly since 1996 and is a flagship publication of the NSW Ministry of Health. The report adopts an equity lens to review health disparities across demographic groups such as age, sex, Aboriginality, socioeconomic status and remoteness.

The 2016 edition highlights trends in alcohol use and health-related harms. It applies a data-driven, population health approach to describe key health issues, health risk factors, and available interventions for improving the health and wellbeing of NSW residents who consume alcohol.

Further details about indicators related to the health of the NSW population can be found on HealthStats NSW

File Size: 532 kb
Type: Report
Date of Publication: 19 July 2016
ISBN: 978-1-76000-469-9
SHPN: (CEE) 160287