Download as PDFTimely vaccination is the best way to protect ourselves from serious vaccine-preventable diseases. So book ahead, make an appointment with your doctor.

Childhood vaccines

Age Disease Vaccine Information
Birth Hepatitis B H-B-Vax II (IM) or Engerix B (IM) Within 7 days of birth (ideally within 24 hours).
6 weeks Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis B, polio Infanrix Hexa (IM) or Vaxelis (IM)
Pneumococcal Prevenar 13 (IM)
Rotavirus Rotarix (Oral) Dose 1 limited to 6-14 weeks of age.
Meningococcal B (Aboriginal1 children only) Bexsero (IM) Prophylactic paracetamol recommended.

Catch up available for Aboriginal children <2 years.
4 months Diphther​ia, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis B, polio Infanrix Hexa (IM) or Vaxelis (IM)
Pneumococcal Prevenar 13 (IM)
Rotavirus Rotarix (Oral) Dose 2 limited to 10-24 weeks
Meningococcal B (Aboriginal children only) Bexsero (IM) Prophylactic paracetamol recommended.

Catch up available for Aboriginal children <2 years.
6 months Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis B, polio Infanrix Hexa (IM) or Vaxelis (IM) Children ≥6 months with at risk conditions for invasive pneumococcal disease are recommended to receive an additional dose of Prevenar 13 – see the Australian Immunisation Handbook.

Aboriginal children ≥6 months with certain at risk conditions may require an additional dose of Bexsero – see the Australian Immunisation Handbook.
12 months Meningococcal ACWY Nimenrix (IM)
Pneumococcal Prevenar 13 (IM)
Measles, mumps, rubella MMR II or Priorix (IM or SC)
Meningococcal B (Aboriginal children only) Bexsero (IM) Prophylactic paracetamol recommended.

Catch up available for Aboriginal children <2 years.
18 months Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis Infanrix or Tripacel (IM)
Measles, mumps, rubella, varicella Priorix Tetra or Proquad (IM or SC)
Haemophilus influenzae type b ACT-HIB (IM or SC)
4 years Diphtheri​a, tetanus, pertussis, polio Infanrix-IPV (IM) or Quadracel (IM) Children with at risk conditions for invasive pneumococcal disease are recommended to receive an additional dose of Pneumovax 23 – see the Australian Immunisation Handbook.

At risk groups, adolescents and adults

Age/Condition Disease Vaccine Information
All people with asplenia, hyposplenia, complement deficiency and treatment with eculizumab Meningococcal ACWY Nimenrix (IM) See the Australian Immunisation Handbook for required doses and timing.

Additional groups are recommended to receive these vaccines but these are not funded.
Meningococcal B Bexsero (IM)
>5 years with asplenia or hyposplenia Haemophilus influenzae type b ACT-HIB (IM or SC) If incompletely vaccinated or not vaccinated in childhood.
≥ 18 years Zoster Shingrix (IM) Eligible people ≥ 18 years considered at increased r​isk of herpes zoster due to an underlying condition and/or immunomodulatory/immunosuppressive treatments (information on the Australian Immunisation Handbook will be updated in November 2024)2.
Year 7 Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis Boostrix (IM)
Human papillomavirus Gardasil 9 (IM)
Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY Nimenrix (IM) or MenQuadfi (IM)
Pregnant Influenza
Influenza Any trimester.
Pertussis Boostrix or Adacel (IM) Each pregnancy between 20-32 weeks.
Aboriginal people
≥50 years
Pneumococcal Prevenar 13 (IM) then Pneumovax23 (IM) Prevenar 13: ≥50 years.
Pneumovax 23: 2-12 months later.
Pneumovax 23: at least 5 years later.
Zoster Shingrix (IM) Shingrix: ≥ 50 years.
≥65 years Zoster Shingrix (IM) Shingrix funded for people ≥65 years.
≥70 years Pneumococcal Prevenar 13 (IM) Pneumococcal funded for people ≥70.
People with at risk conditions for invasive pneumococcal disease See the Australian Immunisation Handbook for conditions recommended to receive Prevenar 13 and Pneumovax 23.


Age/At risk condition Recommendation Information
All children 6 months <5 years Annual influenza vaccination Discuss influenza vaccination with other present family members.

Children aged less than 9 years of age who are receiving the influenza vaccine for the first time should receive 2 doses of the vaccine, 4 weeks apart.

For vaccine brands and eligibility see Seasonal influenza vaccination.
Aboriginal people ≥6 months
People with at risk conditions ≥6 months
≥65 years
Pregnant women


  1. The term Aboriginal is inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  2. For conditions recommended to receive Shingrix see the National Immunisation Program Shingles vaccination program advice for health professionals.​​​​

Current as at: Wednesday 4 September 2024
Contact page owner: Immunisation