
Why does my baby need a repeat hearing screen?

The NSW Statewide Infant Screening – Hearing (SWISH) Program aims to identify babies born with significant hearing loss and introduce them to appropriate services as soon as possible. This fact sheet is prepared for parents to explain the reasons for their baby needing a repeat screening. 

Last updated: 03 December 2019

Many babies need to have a repeat hearing screen.

It does not necessarily mean that your baby has a hearing loss. There may be other reasons for a second screen.

The most common reason for a repeat screen being required is fluid or a blockage in your baby s ear after the birth.

In many cases the repeat hearing screen will be done before you and your baby leave hospital.

If it is not possible to have the screen while you are in hospital, you will be offered a repeat hearing screen for your baby as an outpatient or at a local community location, soon after discharge from hospital.

The person who gave you this brochure will advise you when and where the repeat hearing screening will take place.


As soon as the hearing screen is completed, the results will be explained to  you and recorded in your baby’s Personal Health Record (Blue Book).

If the repeat hearing screen does not show a clear result, your baby will be referred for a diagnostic hearing assessment by an audiologist. An audiologist is a specialist in hearing testing.

It is important to find out as soon as possible how well your baby hears so that you and your baby can get the correct advice and support.

For health advice, contact healthdirect Australia, 1800 022 222.

For further information, please refer Kids and families.

Current as at: Tuesday 3 December 2019