Housing and Mental Health Agreement 2022


The Housing and Mental Health Agreement 2022 (HMHA 2022) is a commitment that NSW Health and the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) will work together and with key stakeholders to achieve a shared vision that people with mental illness have:

  • timely access to safe, secure, appropriate housing; and
  • mental health supports in place when needed, to support them to sustain that housing, live well in the community and lead their recovery.

The objectives of HMHA 2022 are to:

  • Re-invigorate effective, accountable and sustainable governance between mental health, housing, and homelessness services.
  • Deliver on a common cross-agency agenda through shared goals in partnership with mental health, housing, and homelessness services and other key stakeholders.
  • Embed agreed principles in policy, commissioning and service delivery.

File Size: 859 kb
Type: Agreement
Date of Publication: 01 March 2022
Author: Mental Health
ISBN: 978-1-76081-958-3
SHPN: (OHMR) 210907