Carer policy, planning and action across NSW is guided by the NSW Carers (Recognition) Act 2010.
The NSW Carers (Recognition) Act requires that all public sector agency staff, including NSW Health staff:
As a human service agency, NSW Health must reflect the thirteen principles of the Charter in its work.
The NSW Carers Strategy: Caring in New South Wales 2020 – 2030 sits underneath the Act. This sets out the NSW Government’s ten-year plan for supporting and recognising carers in NSW. The Department of Communities and Justice provides fact sheets on the NSW Carers (Recognition) Act 2010 and the NSW Carers Strategy.
Under the Act, all public sector agencies must recognise and value carers, ensuring they are consulted on policy matters that impact them. NSW Health’s response is outlined in the NSW Health Recognition and Support for Carers: Key Directions 2018-2020 [PDF] (the Key Directions), which provides guidance on responding to the needs of carers across the NSW public health system.
Aligning with the requirements of the Act, the Key Directions will guide NSW Health to: