Healthy Food and Drink in NSW Health Facilities for Staff and Visitors Toolkit


The Healthy Food and Drink in NSW Health Facilities for Staff and Visitors Toolkit (the Toolkit) should be read in conjunction with The Healthy Food and Drink in NSW Health Facilities for Staff and Visitors Framework​

The Toolkit includes detailed recommendations, tools and case studies designed to guide Managers in NSW Health facilities tasked with the implementing the three elements of the Framework:​​

  • Food and Drink Benchmark
  • Local implementation
  • Monitoring and evaluation.

The Toolkit is a key part of how NSW Health will make healthy food and drink normal in health facilities.

The complete Toolkit is available for download. Each tool within the Toolkit is also available for ​individual download.

For more information on the Toolkit, please email​ or call 1800 930 966.

File Size: 4699 kb
Type: Booklet
ISBN: 978-1-76000-633-4 (print); 978-1-76000-634-1 (online)
SHPN: (CPH) 170205