Students having fruit  

Brochures with information for parents about Crunch&Sip® are available in:

Order copies of the Parent Brochures (Word 3.13MB) (available only for NSW schools).

What to pack - information for parents

Crunch&Sip® means vegetables, fruit and water only. To spread the message of Crunch&Sip®, why not use these enewsletter snippets (Word 15KB) in your next school newsletter to parents. Schools may also like to distribute this A4 flyer on What to pack for Crunch&Sip® (PDF 1.56 MB).

Below are some images you can use in your enewsletter:

If you would like to promote Crunch&Sip® through your school's social media platform, try these tiles:

Current as at: Friday 17 September 2021
Contact page owner: Centre for Population Health