The NSW Government is committed to reducing reported receptive syringe sharing among people who inject drugs to 20% or lower and increasing the distribution of sterile needles and syringes by 10% by 2025. To assist you in being able to access your nearest NSP outlet an interactive map has been developed that contains every public NSP outlet across NSW. The map includes staffed NSPs where you can access advice, information and referral as well as machines and chutes.

If you would like information and/or advice call the Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) on (02) 9361 8000 (or 1800 422 599 if you are in rural NSW).

If you would like to speak to a peer-based drug user organisation please contact the NSW Users and AIDS Association (NUAA) on (02) 8354 7300 (or 1800 644 413 if you are in rural NSW) or by email

If you experience website problems, please email

The NSW Needle and Syringe Program is an exempt needle and syringe programs for the purpose of clause 37 of the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Regulation 2021.

The NSW Health Guideline NSW Needle a​nd Syringe Program, gives details about the NSW Needle and Syringe Program.​​

Outlets by suburb

Each NSP is listed below by suburb, with the range of equipment available.


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Albury Community Health Centre
596 Smollett Street, Albury, NSW, 2640
(02) 6058 1800Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Albury Hospital
Borella Road, Albury, NSW, 2640
(02) 6058 4444Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
The Gender Centre
10 Lilydale Street, Marrickville, NSW, 2204
(02) 9569 23669-12pm and 1 - 4.30pm Internal dispensing chute
Armidale Accident and Emergency Department
226 Rusden Street, Armidale, NSW, 2350
(02) 6776 9500Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Armidale Community Health Centre, Claire House
Corner of Butler and Rusden Streets, Armidale, NSW, 2351
(02) 6776 9600Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Armidale Neighbourhood Centre
129 Rusden Street, Armidale, NSW, 2350
(02) 6772 4373Monday to Thursday 9am-3pmDisposal bin
Auburn Community Health Centre
Norval Street, Auburn, NSW, 2144
(02) 8759 4000Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmCoin operated machine
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Ballina Hospital - opposite Ambulance Bay
Cherry Street, Ballina, NSW, 2478
0467 809 250Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Ballina Community Health Centre
50 Fox Street, Ballina, NSW, 2478
0467 809 250Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pmDisposal bin
Ballina Community Health
50 Fox Street, Ballina, NSW, 2478
0467 809 250Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm:
Call mobile for staff assistance
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin
Balranald Primary and Community Health
41-43 Court Street, Balranald, NSW, 2715
(08) 8080 1100Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital Emergency Department
Eldridge Road, Bankstown, NSW, 2200
(02) 9794 0700 Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Bankstown Community Health Centre
36-38 Raymond Street, Bankstown, NSW, 2200
(02) 9780 2777Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin
The Corner Youth Health Service, 101 Restwell Street, Bankstown, NSW, 2200(02) 9796 8633 Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Baradine Multi Purpose Service
37A Macquarie Street, Baradine, NSW, 2396
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hours
Barham Hospital
Punt Road, Barham, NSW, 2732
(03) 5451 1000Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Barraba Multi Purpose Service
Edward Street, Barraba, NSW, 2347
(02) 6782 2500Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Shellharbour Hospital
15-17 Madigan Boulevarde, Barrack Heights, NSW, 2528
(02) 4295 2500Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Free machine
Disposal bin
Batemans Bay Community Health Centre
7 Pacific Street, Batemans Bay, NSW, 2536
(02) 4475 1620Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Batemans Bay Hospital
Pacific Street, Batemans Bay, NSW, 2536
(02) 44751500Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Bathurst Community Mental Health
Corner of Howick and Mitre Street, Bathurst, NSW, 2795
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Bathurst Base Hospital
Corner of Howick and Mitre Street, Bathurst, NSW, 2795
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Batlow Adelong Multi Purpose Service
61-81 Pioneer Street, Batlow, NSW, 2730
(02) 6941 4333Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Bega Community Health Centre
McKee Drive, Bega, NSW, 2550
(02) 6492 9620Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Bega Hospital
McKee Drive, Bega, NSW, 2550
(02) 6492 9111Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Sapphire Health Wellbeing Service Unit
3, 83 Upper Street Bega NSW 2550
(02) 6492 8800 Monday to Frida​​y 9-5pm Disposal bin,
Staff information available – advice/referral
Bellambi Neighbourhood Centre
Rothery Road and Cawley Street, Bellambi, NSW, 2518
(02) 4285 3055Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Bellingen Hospital
Church Street, Bellingen, NSW, 2454
0408 661 723Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Bellingen Hospital Emergency Department
Church Street, Bellingen, NSW, 2454
(02) 6659 5800Monday to Sunday 6am-9pmDisposal bin
Belmont Hospital
16 Croudace Bay Road, Belmont, NSW, 2280
(02) 4923 2000Machine available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Canterbury Harm Reduction Program.
63 Tudor Street, Belmore, NSW, 2192
(02) 9562 5799 Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
Saturday 8:30am-4pm
Closed daily 12:40-1:30pm Mon-Sat
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin
Kedesh House
303 Flagstaff Road, Berkeley, NSW, 2506
(02) 4260 7111Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Watershed Drug and Alcohol Recovery and Education Centre
Illawon Street, Berkeley, NSW, 2506
(02) 4272 3000Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Berowra Community Health Centre
123 Berowra Waters Road, Berowra, NSW, 2081
(02) 9485 7544Monday to Friday 8am-4:30pm Free machine
Dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Berrigan Health Service
Davis Street, Berrigan, NSW, 2712
(03) 5888 5300Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Blacktown Hospital Emergency Department
Blacktown Road, Blacktown, NSW, 2148
(02) 9881 8000Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Blacktown Needle Syringe Program
Unit 6, Marcel Crescent, Blacktown, NSW, 2148
(02) 9881 8767Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30am-4pm
Tuesday and Thursday 9:15am-4pm
(closed daily 1pm-1:30pm)
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Blayney Multi Purpose Service
1-3 Osman Street Blayney, Blayney, NSW, 2799
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Boggabri Multi Purpose Service
Wee Waa Street, Boggabri, NSW, 2382
(02) 6749 7000Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Bombala Hospital
126-128 Wellington Street, Bombala, NSW, 2632
(02) 6458 5777Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Bonalbo Hospital
Hospital Road, Bonalbo, NSW, 2469
(02) 6665 1203Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Boorowa Hospital
Dry Street, Boorowa, NSW, 2586
(02) 6385 3004Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Bourke Multi Purpose Service
26 Tarcoon Street, Bourke, NSW, 2840
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Bourke Primary and Community Health
26 Tarcoon Street, Bourke, NSW, 2840
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Wingecarribee Community Health Centre
Bendooley Place, 20 Bendooley Street, Bowral, NSW, 2576
(02) 4861 8000Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Bowral District Hospital Mental Health Service
Ashcot Road, Bowral, NSW, 2576
(02) 9794 0700Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Bowral District Hospital Emergency Department
Bowral Street, Bowral, NSW, 2576
(02) 4861 0200Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Bowraville Health One
2 George Street, Bowraville, NSW, 2449
(02) 66911125Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Outreach Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Braidwood Hospital
73 Monkitee Street, Braidwood, NSW, 2622
(02) 4842 2566Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Brewarrina Multi Purpose Service
56 Doyle Street, Brewarrina, NSW, 2839
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Maari Maa 428 Argent Street, Broken Hill, NSW, 2880(08) 8080 1100Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Broken Hill Hospital Accident and Emergency Department
176 Thomas Street, Broken Hill, NSW, 2880
(08) 8080 1100Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Broken Hill Primary Health
176 Thomas Street, Broken Hill, NSW, 2880
(08) 8080 1100Available ​​24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Brooklyn Community Health Centre
Corner of Brooklyn Road and Dangar Streets, Brooklyn, NSW, 2083
(02) 9985 7717Monday to Thursday 9am-4.45pm
Friday 9am-12pm
Disposal bin available 24 hours
Internal dispensing chute working hours only
Disposal bin
Needle and Syringe Program (RUSH), Brookvale Community Health Centre
Ground Floor, 612-624 Pittwater Road, Brookvale, NSW, 2100
(02) 9388 5110
Monday to Friday 9am-5pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Free machine
Disposal bin
Supplies bulk, steroid packs, naloxone, DBS, ADM 24 hours
Bulahdelah Hospital
Richmond Street, Bulahdelah, NSW, 2423
(02) 4987 9900Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Bulli Community Health Centre
Hospital Road, Bulli, NSW, 2516
(02) 4283 0777Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Byron Central Hospital Emergency Department
Ewingsdale, Byron Bay, NSW, 2481
(02) 66399675Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Byron Central Hospital
Ewingsdale, Byron Bay, NSW, 2481
(02) 66399675Monday to Friday 9am-12amStaff and information available - advice/referral
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin Supplies Bulk


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Camden Hospital Emergency Department
Menangle Road, Camden, NSW, 2570
(02) 4654 6102Available 24 hoursCounter service
Free machine
Disposal bin
Traxside Youth Health Service
4 Langdon Avenue, Campbelltown, NSW, 2560
(02) 4625 2525   Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm
Machine available 24 hours
Free machine
Disposal bin
Campbelltown Hospital Emergency Department, Therry Road, Campbelltown, NSW, 2560(02) 9794 0700Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
King George V Building, Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW, 2050
(02) 9515 6111Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
RPA Sexual Health
16 Marsden Street, Camperdown, NSW, 2050
(02) 9515 1200Monday to Friday 9am-5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Canowindra Multi Purpose Service
Brown's Avenue, Canowindra, NSW, 2804
(02) 6393 4800Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Canowindra Primary and Community Health
Ryall Street, Canowindra, NSW, 2804
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Fairfield Community Health Centre
Corner of Mitchell Street and The Horsley Drive, Carramar, NSW, 2163
(02) 9794 1700Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Corner of Mitchell Street and The Horsley Drive, Carramar, NSW, 2163
(02) 8717 1717Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Casino Hospital Emergency Department
Hotham Street, Casino, NSW, 2470
(02) 6662 2111Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Casino Community Health Centre
Hotham Street, Casino, NSW, 2470
(02) 6662 4444Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Hills Community Health Centre
183-187 Excelsior Avenue, Castle Hill, NSW, 2154
(02) 8853 4500Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Cessnock Pharmacotherapy
View Street, Cessnock, NSW, 2325
(02) 4991 0461Monday to Friday 8am-4pmFree machine
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Cobar Multi Purpose Service
35 Woodiwiss Avenue, Cobar, NSW, 2835
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Coffs Harbour Health Campus Needle Syringe Program
345 Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450
(02) 6656 7934Monday to Friday 8am-5pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin
Coffs Harbour Health Campus Emergency Department
345 Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450
(02) 6656 7000Available 24 hours
Collarenebri Multi Purpose Service
62 Walgett Street, Collarenebri, NSW, 2833
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Concord Hospital - Adjacent to Emergency Department
Hospital Road, Concord, NSW, 2138
(02) 9767 5000Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Condobolin Multi Purpose Service
Madline Street, Condobolin, NSW, 2877
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Coolah Multi Purpose Service
111-135 Martin Street, Coolah, NSW, 2843
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Coolamon Ganmain Hospital
Buchanan Drive, Coolamon, NSW, 2701
(02) 6927 3303Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Cooma Community Health Centre
Victoria Street, Cooma, NSW, 2630
(02) 6455 3201Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Cooma Hospital
2a Bent Street, Cooma, NSW, 2630
(02) 6455 3222Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Coonabarabran Multi Purpose Service
101-103 Edwards Street, Coonabarabran, NSW, 2357
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Coonamble Multi Purpose Service
150 Castlereagh Street, Coonamble, NSW, 2829
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Cootamundra Community Health Centre
37 Hurley Street, Cootamundra, NSW, 2590
(02) 6940 1111Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Cootamundra Hospital
MacKay Street, Cootamundra, NSW, 2590
(02) 6942 0444Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Corowa Hospital
Guy Street, Corowa, NSW, 2646
(02) 6033 7555Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Access Community Group
87 Railway Street, Corrimal, NSW, 2518
(02) 4286 5600Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Cowra District Hospital
64 Liverpool Street, Cowra, NSW, 2794
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Cranebrook Community Health Centre
Corner of Laycock Street and Borrowdale Way, Cranebrook, NSW, 2749
(02) 4730 5100Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
Available 24 hours
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Koolyangara Aboriginal Family Centre
1-2 Kington Place, Cranebrook NSW 2749
Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Crookwell Hospital
Kialla Road, Crookwell, NSW, 2583
(02) 4832 1300Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Croydon Health Centre
24 Liverpool Road, Croydon, NSW 2132
(02) 9378 1100 Available 24 hours Free machine
Culcairn Multi Purpose Service
Balfour Street, Culcairn, NSW, 2660
(02) 6029 8203Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Viney Morgan Aboriginal Medical Service
10 Tongala Avenue, Cummeragunja via Barmah, NSW, 3639
(03) 5869 3343Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Dapto Community Health Centre
4 Marshall Street, Dapto, NSW, 2530
(02) 4261 1466Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Service
130 Princes Highway, Dapto, NSW, 2530
(02) 4262 8777Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Coomealla Health Aboriginal Corporation
51 Sturt Place, Dareton, NSW, 2717
(08) 8080 1100Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Dareton Primary and Community Health
44-46 Tapio Street, Dareton, NSW, 2717
(08) 8080 1100Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
St Vincents Hospital
Burton Street, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010
(02) 9361 8014Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Gorman House, St Vincent's Hospital
Level 2, The O’Brien Centre Corner of Burton and Victoria Streets, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010
(02) 9361 8080Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Rankin Court, St Vincents Hospital
Level 2, The O’Brien Centre Corner of Burton and Victoria Streets, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010
(02) 9361 8030Monday to Friday 9am-5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Stimulant Treatment Program, St Vincent's Hospital
Level 2, The O’Brien Centre Corner of Burton and Victoria Streets, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010
(02) 9361 8088Monday to Friday 9am-5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Homeless Health Service, St Vincent's Hospital
Level 2, The O’Brien Centre Corner of Burton and Victoria Streets, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010
(02) 8382 1512Outreach
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Kirketon Road Centre
Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010 (Above the fire station)
(02) 9360 2766Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am-5pm
Wednesday 12-5pm,
Saturday and Sunday 10am-2pm
Outreach various locations.
Machine available 24 hours
Primary healthcare information available - advice/referral
Free machine
Disposal bin
Deniliquin Community Health Centre
2 Macauley Street, Deniliquin, NSW, 2710
(03) 5882 2900Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm Machine available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Deniliquin Hospital
411 Charlotte Street, Deniliquin, NSW, 2710
(03) 5882 2800Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Denman Multi Purpose Service
51-53 Ogilvie Street, Denman, NSW, 2328
(02) 6547 3999Machine available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Doonside Community Health Centre
30 Birdwood Avenue, Doonside, NSW, 2767
(02) 9881 8650Monday to Friday 9am-5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Dorrigo Hospital
Beech Street, Dorrigo, NSW, 2453
0408 661 723Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Dorrigo Hospital Emergency Department
Beech Street, Dorrigo, NSW, 2453
(02) 6692 7700Monday to Sunday 6am-9pmDisposal bin
Dubbo Base Hospital
Myall Street, Dubbo, NSW, 2830
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Dubbo Primary and Community Health
2 Palmer Street, Dubbo, NSW, 2830
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Dubbo Sexual Health
203 Brisbane Street, Dubbo, NSW, 2830
(02) 6809 7300Monday to Friday 9am-5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Dunedoo Multi Purpose Service
Digilah Street, Dunedoo, NSW, 2844
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Dungog Community Hospital
22 Hospital Road, Dungog, NSW, 2420
(02) 4995 7000Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Dungog Information Centre
198 Dowling Street, Dungog, NSW, 2420
(02) 4992 2212Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am-3pm
(closed daily 1pm-1:30pm)
Wednesday 9am-1pm
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Ryde Hospital Emergency Department
Denistone Road, Eastwood, NSW, 2122
(02) 9858 7522Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Eden Community Health Centre
143 Imlay Street, Eden, NSW, 2551
(02) 6496 1436Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Emmaville Hospital (Vegetable Creek Hospital)
13-33 Glen Innes Road, Emmaville, NSW, 2371
(02) 6734 7900Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Erina Community Health, Front carpark
169 The Entrance Road, Erina, NSW, 2250
(02) 4367 9600Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Eugowra Multi Purpose Service Hill Street, Eugowra, NSW, 2806(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Evans Head Community Health Centre
1-11 Woodburn Street, Evans Head, NSW, 2473
(02) 6682 4899Monday to Friday 8am-4:30pmDisposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Finley Hospital
Dawe Avenue, Finley, NSW, 2713
(03) 5883 9100Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Forbes Hospital
Elgin Street, Forbes, NSW, 2871
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Forster Community Health Centre
14 Breese Parade, Forster, NSW, 2328
(02) 6539 6300Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Tobwabba/Cabarita Aboriginal Medical Centre
68A Macintosh Street, Forster, NSW, 2428
(02) 6555 6271Monday to Thursday 8:30am-5pm
Friday 8:30am-3pm
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Galston Community Health Centre
17 Arcadia Road, Galston, NSW, 2159
(02) 9485 7599Monday to Friday 8am-4pm
Disposal bin available 24 hours
Free machine Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Gilgandra Multi Purpose Service
6 Chelmsford Avenue, Gilgandra, NSW, 2827
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Glen Innes Community Health Centre
Taylor Street, Glen Innes, NSW, 2370
(02) 6739 0100Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health
644 Daniel Street, Glenroy, NSW, 2640
(02) 6040 1200Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Gloucester Soldiers' Memorial Hospital
166-182 Church Street, Gloucester, NSW, 2423
(02) 6538 5000Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Gloucester Community Health Centre
Church Street, Gloucester, NSW, 2422
(02) 6558 1011Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Gloucester Hospital Roma Ward
Church Street, Gloucester, NSW, 2423
(02) 6558 1604Machine available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Goodooga Health Centre
59 Hammond Street, Goodooga, NSW, 2831
(02) 6809 7300Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Goonellabah Community Health Centre
37 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah, NSW, 2480
(02) 6625 0111Monday to Friday 8am-4:30pmDisposal bin
Gosford Needle Syringe Program
Rear of 69 to 71 Holden Street, Gosford Hospital, Gosford, NSW, 2250
(02) 4320 2753Tuesday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Free machine
Disposal bin
Goulburn Community Health Centre
130 Goldsmith Road, Goulburn, NSW, 2580
(02) 4827 3913Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Goulburn Hospital
130 Goldsmith Road, Goulburn, NSW, 2589
(02) 4827 3111Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Grafton Community Health Centre
174 Arthur Street, Grafton, NSW, 2460
(02) 6640 2222Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Grafton Base Hospital
174 Arthur Street, Grafton, NSW, 2460
(02) 6641 8712Monday to Friday (with NSP staff support during Wednesday to Friday)
Grenfell Multi Purpose Service
80-96 Cowra Road, Grenfell, NSW, 2810
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Griffith Community Health Centre
39 Yambil Street, Griffith, NSW, 2680
(02) 6966 9900Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Griffith Hospital
Noorebar Avenue, Griffith, NSW, 2680
(02) 6969 5555Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service
38-42 Jondaryan Avenue, Griffith, NSW, 2680
(02) 6962 0000Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Gulargambone Multi Purpose Service
51 Bourbah Street, Gulargambone, NSW, 2828
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Gulgong Multi Purpose Service
34 Goolma Road, Gulgong, NSW, 2852
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Gundagai Multi Purpose Service
56 Tor Street, Gundagai, NSW, 2722
(02) 6940 6300Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Gunnedah District Hospital
Marquis Street, Gunnedah, NSW, 2380
(02) 6741 8000Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Guyra Multi Purpose Service
Sole Street, Guyra, NSW, 2365
(02) 6738 4000Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Murrumburrah-Harden District Hospital
Swift Street, Harden, NSW, 2587
(02) 6326 2200Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
High Street Youth Service
65 High Street, Harris Park, NSW, 2150
(02) 9687 2544Monday to Friday 9am-5:30pmCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Wayback Committee
65 Marion Street, Harris Park, NSW, 2150
(02) 9633 4800Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Hay Hospital
Murray Street, Hay, NSW, 2711
(02) 6990 8700Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Henty Hospital
7 Keighran Street, Henty, NSW, 2658
(02) 6929 4999Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Hillston District Hospital
Burns Street, Hillston, NSW, 2675
(02) 6961 7200Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Holbrook District Hospital
Bowler Street, Holbrook, NSW, 2644
(02) 6036 2522Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Hornsby Hospital Drug and Alcohol Services
Between James Park and Building
51/4 Lowe Road, Hornsby, NSW, 2077
Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Hornsby Hospital Emergency Department
Palmerstone Road, Hornsby, NSW, 2077
(02) 9477 9518Available 24 hoursFree machine Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Iluka Community Health Centre
Corner of Duke and Micalo Street, Iluka, NSW, 2466
0429 919 889Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Ingleburn Community Health Centre
59 Cumberland Road, Ingleburn, NSW, 2565
(02) 4633 0200 Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Linking Together
16 Waratah Avenue, Inverell, NSW, 2360
(02) 6722 3444Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pmDisposal bin
Inverell Accident and Emergency Department
Swanbrook Road, Inverell, NSW, 2360
(02) 6721 9500Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Inverell Community Health Centre
Swanbrook Road, Inverell, NSW, 2360
(02) 6721 9600Monday to Friday 8:30am-3pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
129 Maitland Road, Islington, NSW, 2296
(02) 4962 7700Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Outreach: Wednesday and Thursday 9:30am-5:30pm
Disposal bin
Ivanhoe Multi Purpose Service
93 Columbus Street, Ivanhoe, NSW, 2878
(08) 8080 1100Monday to Friday 9am-5pmFree machine
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Jerilderie Hospital
Newell Highway, Jerilderie, NSW, 2716
(03) 5886 1300Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Junee Health Service
67 Broadway Street, Junee, NSW, 2663
(02) 6924 8200Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Wyong Hospital
Kanwal Block D, Health Services Building, Kanwal, NSW, 2259
(02) 4394 8298Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Free machine
Disposal bin
Blue Mountains Hospital Emergency Department
Great Western Highway, Katoomba, NSW, 2780
Available 24 hours Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Free machine
Katoomba Community Health Centre
93 Waratah Street, Katoomba, NSW, 2780
(02) 4782 2133Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Available 24 hours
Dispensing chutes
Disposal bin
Kempsey Needle Syringe Program
119 River Street, Kempsey, NSW, 2440
0418 204 970Monday to Friday: Call Mobile for staff assistanceBulk stock
Durri Aboriginal Medical Service
15-19 York Lane, Kempsey, NSW, 2440
(02) 6560 2300Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Kempsey Community Health
Polwood Street, Kempsey, NSW, 2440
0418 204 970Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pmDisposal bin
Kempsey Hospital Emergency Department
119 River Street, Kempsey, NSW, 2440
0418 204 970Monday to Sunday 6am-9pmDisposal bin
Kempsey Hospital
119 River Street, Kempsey, NSW, 2440
0418 204 970Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
University of NSW
Kensington, NSW, 2033
(02) 9360 2766Available 24 hours
Long Jetty Needle Syringe Program Building
Rear of Long Jetty Hospital, Wyong Road, Killarney Vale, NSW, 2261
(02) 4336 7760Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30am-5pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Free machine
Disposal bin
Exchange on Parker
Nepean Hospital Campus, Building C, Level 1, Parker Street, Kingswood, NSW 2747
(02) 4734 3996Monday to Thursday 9:30am-5pm
Friday 9:30am-5pm
(closed daily 12:30pm-3pm)
Staff and information available
Nurse Clinic
Variety Bulk supplies
St George Hospital
Kensington Street, Kogarah, NSW, 2217
(02) 9113 1111Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
St George Opioid Treatment Service Kogarah, NSW, 2217(02) 9113 2055Monday to Friday 9am-4:30pm
Internal dispensing chute and disposal bin available 24 hours
Disposal bin
Kyogle Hospital
199 Summerland Way, Kyogle, NSW, 2474
(02) 6632 1522Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Lake Cargelligo Multi Purpose Service
34 Uabba Street, Lake Cargelligo, NSW, 2672
(02) 6898 0200Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Camden Haven Community Health Centre
66 Norman Street, Laurieton, NSW, 2443
0437 886 901Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Lawson Community Health Centre
Honour Avenue, Lawson, NSW, 2783
(02) 4759 8700Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Available 24 hours
Dispensing chutes
Disposal bin
Leeton Hospital
Corner of Palm and Wade Avenue, Leeton, NSW, 2705
(02) 6953 1111Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Lightning Ridge Primary and Community Health
Lot One Pandora Street, Lightning Ridge, NSW, 2834
(02) 6809 7300Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Lightning Ridge Multi Purpose Service
Lot One, Pandora Street, Lightning Ridge, NSW, 2834
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
AIDS Council of, NSW
Suite 4P/17 Conway Street, Lismore, NSW, 2480
(02) 6622 1555Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Sexual Health Centre
4 Shephard Lane, Lismore, NSW, 2480
(02) 6620 2980Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Lismore Base Hospital Emergency Department, next to Ambulance Bay
Uralba Street, Lismore, NSW, 248
(02) 6621 8000Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Free machine
Lismore Needle Syringe Program
50 Hunter Street, Lismore, NSW, 2480
(02) 6622 2222Monday to Friday 9am-12:30pm, Tuesday and Thursday 2pm-4pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Lithgow Community Health Centre
Col Crewe Drive, Lithgow, NSW, 2790
(02) 6350 2750Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pm
Available 24 hours
Free machine
Dispensing chutes
Disposal bin
Lithgow Emergency Department Entrance
Col Crewe Drive, Lithgow, NSW, 2790
(02) 6350 2750Available 24 hours Disposal bin
Liverpool Hospital Emergency Department
Elizabeth Street, Liverpool, NSW, 2170
(02) 8738 3000Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Liverpool Sexual Health Clinic
Ground floor, 13 Elizabeth Street, Liverpool, NSW, 2170
(02) 9827 8022Monday to Wednesday 8:30am-5pm
Thursday 1:30pm-7:30pm
Friday 8am-4:30pm
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Health ConneXions -  Health Services Building, Liverpool Hospital
Corner of Goulburn and Campbell Streets, Ground Level, Entrance Q on Campbell Street, Liverpool, NSW, 2170
(02) 8738 6650Monday to Friday 9am-4:30pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin
Lockhart Hospital
Hebden Street, Lockhart, NSW, 2656
(02) 6930 7100Available 24 hoursDisposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Maclean Community Health Centre
21 Union Street, Maclean, NSW, 2463
0429 919 889Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Maclean Community Health Centre
21 Union Street, Maclean, NSW, 2463
(02) 6640 0123Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pmDisposal bin
Maclean Hospital Emergency Department
21 Union Street, Maclean, NSW, 2463
(02) 6640 0111Monday to Sunday 6am-9pmDisposal bin
Maitland Hospital
51 Metford Road, Metford, NSW, 2320
(02) 4087 1000Machine available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Manilla Hospital
Court Street, Manilla, NSW, 2346
(02) 6785 4000Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Manly Drug Education and Counselling Centre
91 Pittwater Road, Manly, NSW, 2095
(02) 9977 0711Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Marrickville Health Centre
155-157 Livingstone Road, Marrickville, NSW, 2204
(02) 9562 0500Available 24 hours Free machine
Disposal bin
Marrickville Harm Reduction Program
155-157 Livingstone Road, Marrickville, NSW, 2204
(02) 9562 0434 Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
Closed daily 12:30 - 1.30pm
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin
Menindee Health Service
21 Perry Street Menindee, Menindee, NSW, 2879
(08) 8080 1100Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Merriwa Multi Purpose Service
60 MacKenzie Street, Merriwa, NSW, 2329
(02) 6532 5000Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Merrylands Needle Syringe Program
14 Memorial Avenue, Merrylands, NSW, 2160
(02) 9860 9800Monday to Friday 9am-5pmCoin operated machine
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Budyari Aboriginal Community Health Centre
18 Woodward Crescent, Miller, NSW, 2168
(02) 8781 8020 Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pmCounter Service
Disposal bin
The Hub (CORE Community Services)
16 Woodward Crescent, Miller, NSW, 2168
(02) 8582 4110 Monday to Friday 9am - 4.30pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Milton Ulladulla Hospital
104 Princes Highway, Milton, NSW, 2538
(02) 4455 1333Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Free machine
Disposal bin
Molong Primary and Community Health
103 Bank Street, Molong, NSW, 2866
(02) 6393 4800Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Molong Health Services
King Street Molong, Molong, NSW, 2866
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Mona Vale Hospital Emergency Department
Coronation Street, Mona Vale, NSW, 2103
(02) 9998 0333Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Moree Accident and Emergency Department
66 Alice Street, Moree, NSW, 2400
(02) 6757 0000Available 24 hoursFree machine Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
PIUS X Aboriginal Medical Centre
Anne Street, Moree, NSW, 2400
(02) 6752 8432Monday to Friday 9am-5pmOutreach
Disposal bin
Moruya Community Health Centre
River Street, Moruya, NSW, 2537
(02) 4474 1561Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Moruya Hospital
River Street, Moruya, NSW, 2537
(02) 4474 2666Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Mt Druitt Hospital Emergency Department
75 Railway Street, Mt Druitt, NSW, 2770
(02) 9881 1555Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Mt Druitt Needle Syringe Program
Kelly Close Services, Mt Druitt, NSW, 2770
(02) 9881 1334Monday to Friday 9am-4pm
(closed daily 1-1:30pm)
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Mudgee Health Service
Corner of Meares and Lewis Streets, Mudgee, NSW, 2850
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Mudgee Community Health
Corner of Church and Meares Streets, Mudgee, NSW, 2850
(02) 6809 7300Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Murrurundi-Wilson Memorial Community Hospital
Corner of O'Connell Street and Paradise Road, Murrurundi, NSW, 2338
(02) 6546 9000Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Murwillumbah Community Health Centre
Nullum Street, Murwillumbah, NSW, 2484
(02) 6672 0277Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Murwillumbah Hospital Emergency Department
Ewing Street, Murwillumbah, NSW, 2484
(02) 6672 1822Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Muswellbrook Community Centre
6 Market Lane, Muswellbrook, NSW, 2333
(02) 6542 3444Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Muswellbrook District Hospital
Brentwood Street, Muswellbrook, NSW, 2333
(02) 6542 2000Machine available 24 hoursFree machine
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Narellan Community Health Centre
14 Queen Street, Narellan, NSW, 2567
(02) 4633 0500Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Narooma Community Health Centre
Corner of Field and Graham Streets, Narooma, NSW, 2546
(02) 4476 2344Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Narrabri Community Health Centre
66 Gibbons Street, Narrabri, NSW, 2390
(02) 6799 2903Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Narrabri Accident and Emergency Department
66 Gibbons Street, Narrabri, NSW, 2390
(02) 6799 2800Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Narrandera Hospital
Corner of Douglas and Adams Street, Narrandera, NSW, 2700
(02) 6951 0200Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Narromine Multi Purpose Service
128 Cathundril Street, Narromine, NSW, 2821
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Nelson Bay Community Health Centre
Kerrigan Street, Nelson Bay, NSW, 2315
(02) 4984 0730Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Nelson Bay-Tomaree Community Hospital
Trevally Street, Nelson Bay, NSW, 2316
(02) 4984 0700Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Newcastle Needle and Syringe Program
670 Hunter Street, Newcastle West, NSW, 2302
(02) 4016 4519Monday to Friday 8am-4pm
Machine available Monday to Friday 8am-5pm
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Nimbin Hospital
35 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW, 2480
(02) 6688 1435Tuesday to Thursday 9am-12:30pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Macksville Hospital
100 Darruya Road, North Macksville, NSW, 2447
0408 661 723Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Macksville Hospital Emergency Department
100 Darruya Road, North Macksville, NSW, 2447
0408 661 723Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Fleet Street Clinic
1A Fleet Street, North Parramatta, NSW, 2151
(02) 9840 3888Monday to Friday 7am-2pmDisposal bin
Shoalhaven District Hospital
2 Shoalhaven Street, Nowra, NSW, 2541
(02) 4421 3111Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Nowra Community Health Centre
5-7 Lawrence Avenue, Nowra, NSW, 2541
(02) 4424 6300Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Shoalhaven Drug and Alcohol Service
47 Berry Street, Nowra, NSW, 2541
(02) 4422 9662Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Shoalhaven Sexual Health, Shoalhaven Hospital
Shoalhaven Street, Nowra, NSW, 2541
(02) 4423 9353Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Shoalhaven Womens Health Centre
5 McGrath Avenue, Nowra, NSW, 2541
(02) 4421 0730Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
South Coast Aboriginal Medical Service
51/53 Berry Street, Nowra, NSW, 2541
(02) 4428 6666Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Free machine
Disposal bin
Nyngan Multi Purpose Service
15 Hoskins Street, Nyngan, NSW, 2825
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Oberon Multi Purpose Service
67-75 North Street, Oberon, NSW, 2787
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Orange Base Hospital
1530 Forrest Road, Orange, NSW, 2800
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Orange Sexual Health
96 Kite Street, Orange, NSW, 2800
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Pambula Community Health Centre
Merimbola Street, Pambula, NSW, 2549
(02) 6495 8350Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Pambula Hospital
Merimbola Street, Pambula, NSW, 2549
(02) 6495 8200Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Parkes District Hospital
18 Coleman Road, Parkes, NSW, 2870
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Parramatta Sexual Health Clinic
Jeffery House, 162 Marsden Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150
(02) 9843 3124Monday, Tuesday and Friday 9am-4pm
Wednesday 10am-4pm
Thursday 4pm-7:30pm
Disposal bin
Parramatta Needle Syringe Program
Jeffery House, 162 Marsden Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150
(02) 9843 3239Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am-4pm
Tuesday 2pm-4pm
(closed daily 1pm-1:30pm)
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Peak Hill Multi Purpose Service
111 Newell Highway, Peak Hill, NSW, 2869
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Pennant Hills Community Health Centre
5 Fisher Avenue, Pennant Hills, NSW, 2120
(02) 9485 7588Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Disposal bin available 24 hours
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Penrith Community Health Centre
Soper Place, Penrith, NSW, 2750
(02) 4732 9400Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
Available 24 hours
Free machine
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Darcy House
1 Old Port Road, Port Kembla, NSW, 2505
(02) 4298 2800Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Port Kembla Community Centre
Corner of Wentworth Street and Church Street, Port Kembla, NSW, 2505
(02) 4276 3433Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Port Kembla Hospital Sexual Health
Port Kembla Hospital, Cowper Street, Port Kembla, NSW, 2502
(02) 4223 8457Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
First Step Program
Port Kembla Hospital, Port Kembla, NSW, 2502
(02) 4275 1529Monday to Friday 9am-5pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin
Port Macquarie Base Hospital
Wrights Road, Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444
0437 886 901Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Port Macquarie Population Health
Morton Street, Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444
0437 886 901Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Port Macquarie Base Hospital Emergency Department
Wrights Road, Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444
(02) 5524 2000Monday to Sunday 6am-9pmDisposal bin
Port Macquarie Population Health
Morton Street, Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444
(02) 6588 2750Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Fairfield Hospital, Corner Prairievale Road and Polding Street, Prairiewood, NSW, 2176 (02) 9794 0700 Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Tabulam Health Centre
20 Green Street, Portland, NSW, 2847
(02) 6359 2666Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Clinic 180
180 Victoria Street, Potts Point, NSW, 2011
(02) 9357 1299Monday to Friday 3:30-9pm
Saturday to Sunday 1:30-9pm
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin
Biripi Aboriginal Medical Centre
Corner of Pacific Highway Old Bar Road, Purfleet, NSW, 2430
(02) 6552 2154Monday to Thursday 8:30am-5pm
Friday 8:30am-3pm
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Queanbeyan Hospital
Corner of Collette and Erin Streets, Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620
(02) 6298 9211Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Queanbeyan Community Health Centre
Corner of Collette and Erin Streets, Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620
(02) 6298 9233Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Quirindi Community Hospital
Nowland Street, Quirindi, NSW, 2343
(02) 6746 0200Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Prince of Wales Hospital
Barker Street Entrance, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, NSW, 2013
(02) 9382 2222Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Port Stephens Family and Neighbourhood Service
3 Jacaranda Avenue, Raymond Terrace, NSW, 2324
(02) 4987 1331Monday to Thursday 9am-4:30pm
Friday 9am-3pm
(closed daily 12:30pm-1pm)
Disposal bin
Raymond Terrace GP Super Clinic
4 Jacaranda Avenue, Raymond Terrace, NSW, 2324
(02) 4983 0900Monday to Friday 8am-5:30pm
Saturday 9am-11am
Free machine
Disposal bin
Redfern Community Health Centre
103-105 Redfern Street, Redfern, NSW, 2016
(02) 9395 0444Monday to Saturday 5pm-9am
Sunday 24 hours
Free machine
Disposal bin
Redfern Harm Reduction Program
Rear of Redfern Community Health Centre, Turner Street, Redfern, NSW, 2016
(02) 9395 0400Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Saturdays 9am - 4pm (closed between 12:30-1:30pm)
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin
Rockdale Community Health Centre
16-18 King Street, Rockdale, NSW, 2216
Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
(closed daily 1-2pm)
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Rosemeadow Community Health Centre
5 Thomas Rose Drive, Rosemeadow, NSW, 2560
(02) 4633 4100Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDispensing chute
Disposal bin
Maitland Neighbourhood Centre
11 Arthur Street, Rutherford, NSW, 2322
(02) 4932 0950Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am-4pm
(closed daily 1-2pm)
Tuesday 9:30am-1pm
Disposal bin
Rylstone Hospital
Fitzgerald Street, Rystone, NSW, 2849
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
​Scone Memorial Hospital
Stafford Street, Scone, NSW, 2337
(02) 6540 2100Internal dispensing chute available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Singleton District Hospital
Dangar Road, Singleton, NSW, 2330
(02) 6571 9222Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Springwood Community Health Centre
288 Macquarie Road, Springwood, NSW, 2777
(02) 4751 0100Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
Available 24 hours
Dispensing chutes
Free machine
Disposal bin
Lemongrove Community Health Centre
13-29 Gascoigne Street, Penrith NSW 2750
(02) 5460 57148.30am - 5pm
Available 24 hours
Internal dispensing chutes
Disposal bin
Mountains Youth Services Team
59 Springwood Ave, Springwood NSW 2777
(02) 4734 3996 Available 24 hours Disposal bin
St Clair Community Health Facilitiy
Botany Lane, St Claire
(02) 9834 05008:30pm - 5pm
Available 24 hours
Internal dispensing chutes
Disposal bin
Needle and Syringe Program (RUSH), Royal North Shore Community Health Centre
2c Herbert Street, St Leonards, NSW, 2065
(02) 9462 9040
0459 290 541
Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Free machine
Disposal bin
Supplies bulk, steroid packs, naloxone, DBS
St Marys Community Health Centre
26 Gidley Street, St Marys, NSW, 2760
(02) 9833 6800Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pm
Available 24 hours
Internal dispensing chute
Free machine
Disposal bins
The Langton Clinic
591-623 S Dowling Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010
(02) 9332 8777Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Coin operated machine
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Ground Floor, 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010
(02) 9206 2000Monday to Friday 9am-6pmDisposal bin
Bobby Goldsmith Foundation
3/111-117 Devonshire Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010
(02) 9283 8666Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Sex Workers Outreach Project
Suite 7, 110 Botany Road, Alexandria NSW 2015
(02) 9184 9466 Tuesday 10am-6pm, Wednesday 2pm-6pm, Thursday 10am-6pm and Friday 10am-6pm Outreach
Disposal bin
NSW Users and AIDS Association
345 Crown Street, NSW, Surry Hills, NSW, ​2010
(02) 8354 7343Monday, Wednesday to Friday 11am-1:30pm and 2pm-5:30pm
(closed daily 1:30-2pm)
Tuesday 2:30-5:30pm
Machine available 24 hours
Staff and information available - advice/referral
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Albion Street Centre
150-154 Albion Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010
(02) 9332 9600Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Sutherland Hospital
Kingsway and Kareena Road Caringbah, NSW, 2229
(02) 9522 1046Monday to Friday 9am-5pmCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Sydney Hospital
Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000
(02) 9382 7111Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Sydney Sexual Health Centre
Level 3, Nightingale Wing Sydney Hospital, Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000
(02) 9382 7440Monday to Friday 9am-5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Wollondilly Community Health Centre
15 Harper Close, Tahmoor, NSW, 2573
(02) 4683 6000Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Tamworth Base Hospital Accident and Emergency Department
Dean Street, Tamworth, NSW, 2340
(02) 6767 7700Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Coledale Community Centre
2B Kenny Drive, Tamworth, NSW, 2340
(02) 6765 3103Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pmDisposal bin
Tamworth Aboriginal Medical Service
1/180 Peel Street, Tamworth, NSW, 2340
(02) 6760 2500Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pmDisposal bin
Tamworth Sexual Health (Clinic 468)
468 Peel Street, Tamworth, NSW, 2340
(02) 6764 8080Monday to Thursday 9:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Taree Community Health Centre
64 Pulteney Street, Taree, NSW, 2430
(02) 6592 9315 Monday to Friday 8am-5pmCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Biripi Town Clinic
98 High Street, Taree, NSW, 2430
(02) 6551 7444Monday to Thursday 8:30am-5pm
Friday 8:30am-3pm
Disposal bin
Manning Rural Referral Hospital Emergency Department
26 York Street, Taree, NSW, 2423
(02) 6592 9111Monday to Friday 5pm-8am
Saturday to Sunday available 24 hours
Disposal bin
Temora Hospital Loftus Street, Temora, NSW, 2666(02) 6980 0200Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Tenterfield Community Hospital
Naas Street, Tenterfield, NSW, 2372
(02) 6739 5200Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Tibooburra Multipurpose Health Centre
5 Sturt Street, Tibooburra, NSW, 2880
(08) 8080 1100Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Tingha Multi Purpose Service
13997 Guyra Road, Tingha, NSW, 2369
(02) 6723 3266Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Tocumwal District Hospital
6-12 Adams Street, Tocumwal, NSW, 2714
(03) 5874 2166Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Tottenham Multi Purpose Service
1 Moondana Street, Tottenham, NSW, 2873
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Trangie Multi Purpose Service
28 Harris Street, Trangie, NSW, 2821
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Trundle Multi Purpose Service
44 Brookview Street, Trundle, NSW, 2875
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Tullamore Multi Purpose Service
1 Hinkler Street, Tullamore, NSW, 2874
(02) 6393 4800Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Tumbarumba Multi Purpose Service
Albury Street, Tumbarumba, NSW, 2653
(02) 6948 9600Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Tumut Community Health Centre
Simpson Street, Tumut, NSW, 2720
(02) 6947 0900Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Free machine
Disposal bin
Homebase Youth Service
11 Rodmay Street, Tuncurry, NSW, 2428
(02) 6555 5622Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 9am-3pm
Sunday 9am-2:30pm
Clinic 145
45 Wharf Street, Tweed Heads, NSW, 2485
(07) 5506 6850Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30am-5pm (closed daily 1pm-2:30pm)
Wednesday 1:30pm-6pm
Disposal bin
Tweed Community Health Centre
Florence Street, Tweed Heads, NSW, 2485
(07) 5536 1133Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Tweed Hospital Emergency Department
Powell Street, Tweed Heads, NSW, 2485
(07) 5536 1133Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Tweed Hospital Keith
Compton Drive, Tweed Heads, NSW, 2485
(07) 5506 7556Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Tweed Needle Syringe Program
Florence Street, Tweed Heads, NSW, 2485
(07) 5506 7556Monday to Friday 1:30-4pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Ulladulla Community Health Centre
Princes Highway and South Street, Ulladulla, NSW, 2539
(02) 4455 5366Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Urana Hospital
Princess Street, Urana, NSW, 2645
(02) 6920 8106Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Urbenville Hospital
45 Beaury Street, Urbenville, NSW, 2475
(02) 6634 1600Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Wagga Wagga Community Health Centre
Docker Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650
(02) 6938 6411Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Wagga Wagga Hospital
Edward Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650
(02) 5943 1000Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Walcha Multi Purpose Service
11 South Middle Street, Walcha, NSW, 2354
(02) 6774 2366Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service
37 Pitt Street, Walgett, NSW, 2832
(02) 6809 7300Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Walgett Multi Purpose Service
141 Fox Street, Walgett, NSW, 2832
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Warialda Multi Purpose Service
Long Street, Warialda, NSW, 2402
(02) 6728 9000Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Illawarra Women's Health Service
10 Belfast Avenue, Warilla, NSW, 2528
(02) 4296 7077Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Warilla Community Health Centre
2 Belfast Avenue, Warilla, NSW, 2528
(02) 4296 4200Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
13 Greene Street, Warrawong, NSW, 2502
(02) 4275 8575Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Warren Multi Purpose Service
Dr Kater Drive, Warren, NSW, 2824
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Wauchope Community Health Centre
High Street, Wauchope, NSW, 2446
0437 886 901Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Wauchope Community Health Centre
High Street, Wauchope, NSW, 2446
(02) 6580 8060Monday to Friday 8am-4:30pmDisposal bin
Wauchope General Ward Hospital
High Street, Wauchope, NSW, 2446
(02) 6580 8000Monday to Sunday
Disposal bin
Wee Waa Community Hospital
Alma Street, Wee Waa, NSW, 2388
(02) 6795 0400Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Wellington Aboriginal Medical Service
28 Maxwell Street, Wellington, NSW, 2820
(02) 6809 7300Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Wellington Multi Purpose Service
Corner of Gisborne and Thornton Street, Wellington, NSW, 2820
(02) 6809 7300Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Wentworth Health Service
24 Hospital Road, Silver City Highway, Wentworth, NSW, 2648
(08) 8080 1100Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Werris Creek Community Hospital
North Street, Werris Creek, NSW, 2341
(02) 6768 6600Available 24 hoursFree machine
Disposal bin
Sugar Valley Neighbourhood Centre
65 Carrington Street, West Wallsend, NSW, 2286
(02) 4953 1667Monday to Friday 9am-3:30pmDisposal bin
West Wyalong Community Health Centre
Hospital Road, West Wyalong, NSW, 2671
(02) 6972 2122Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
West Wyalong District Hospital
Ungarie Road, West Wyalong, NSW, 2671
(02) 6979 0000Available 24 hoursDisposal bin
Centre for Addiction Medicine, Cumberland Hospital
Hainsworth Avenue, Westmead, NSW, 2145
(02) 9840 3462Monday to Friday 9am-4:45pmCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Westmead University Clinic
Hawkesbury Road, Westmead, NSW, 2145
(02) 9845 5555Monday to Friday 9am-5pmCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Westlakes Community Health Service
6 James Street, Toronto 2283
Available 24 hoursFree vending machine
Disposal bin
White Cliffs Nursing Service
Johnson Street, White Cliffs, NSW, 2836
(08) 8080 1100Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Eastlakes Community Health
19 South Street, Windale, NSW, 2306
(02) 4944 5300Thursday 5:30pm-7:30pmOutreach
Disposal bin
Hawkesbury Community Health Centre
Corner of Day and Macquarie Streets, Windsor, NSW, 2756
(02) 4560 5714Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmCoin operated machine
Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Hawkesbury District Hospital Emergency Department
Macquarie Street, Windsor, NSW, 2756
(02) 4560 5555Available 24 hours Internal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Wollongong Hospital
Crown Street, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
(02) 4222 5000Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Machine available 24 hours
Coin operated machine
Disposal bin
Bungora Methadone Clinic
2 Urunga Parade, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
(02) 4228 1511Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
Community Health for Adolescents in Need (CHAIN)
1 Denison Street, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
(02) 4226 5816Monday to Friday 9am-5pmDisposal bin
First Step Program
Picadilly Centre Rawson Street, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
(02) 4225 01619am-4:30pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Disposal bin
Woolgoolga Health Campus
29 Beach Street, Woolgoolga, NSW, 2456
(02) 6654 1111Available 24 hoursCoin operated machine
Disposal bin
Woy Woy
Corner of Ocean Beach Road and Kathleen Street, Woy Woy Hospital, Woy Woy, NSW, 2256
(02) 4344 8472Tuesday to Friday 8:30am-5pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Free machine
Disposal bin
Wyong Central Community Health Centre
38A Pacific Highway, Wyong, NSW, 2259
(02) 4356 9328
(02) 4356 9333
Monday to Friday 8am-4:30pmStaff and information available - advice/referral
Free machine
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
Yamba Community Health Centre
3 Roberts Close, Yamba, NSW, 2464
(02) 6603 0900Monday to Friday 8am-4:30pmDisposal bin
Yass Community Health Centre Meehan Street, Yass, NSW, 2582(02) 6220 2111Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmDisposal bin
Yass Hospital
Meehan Street, Yass, NSW, 2582
(02) 6220 2000Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Young Community Health Centre
Allanan Street, Young, NSW, 2594
(02) 6382 8700Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pmInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin
Young Hospital
Allanan Street, Young, NSW, 2594
(02) 6382 8888Available 24 hoursInternal dispensing chute
Disposal bin


AddressPhone NumberHoursFacilities
RPA Health One Green Square 944 Bourke Street, Zetland, NSW 2017 (02) 9562 5822 Available 24 hours Vending machine

Current as at: Monday 10 February 2025
Contact page owner: Centre for Population Health