
NSW Health is committed to the development of evidence-based policies and programs and the ongoing monitoring, review and evaluation of existing programs in line with NSW Government requirements​​. This guide aims to support NSW ​Health staff in the development of program logic and its use in informing population health program planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

This guide promotes a planned and structured approach to developing program logic and includes information on:

  • the meaning and purpose of program logic
  • when and how to develop program logic
  • how program logic can be used, with a particular focus on planning an evaluation.​

Text alternative

For an accessible version of this PDF, visit Text alternative: Developing and using program logic: A guide​.
File Size: 138 kb
Type: Report
Date of Publication: 19 December 2023
ISBN: 978-1-76023-685-4
SHPN: (CEE) 230945