Transcript of Core Tips: Respect.

Tony Penna: With respect, it's the word placed on other people. It's, that the challenge we have in this environment is at times it can be quite de-personalising and I think the most important thing is that you value people in the worthiness that they bring to - you know - your engagement with them.

The little things I think are so important when you look at respect. For example, if you're going to have a meeting with somebody and you're meeting between 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock if you keep them waiting 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes what you're saying to them is my time is more valuable than yours and you know if you do that often enough people begin to think well you don't actually value me. When when you look at respect it's those little things that we, they'd add up during the day, that that you subconsciously think about well in fact I'm not being valued. So in looking at the the respect that you provide to others, it's often reflected in how those people respect you and that's really important.

So look at the little things, you know the listening in a meeting, so actively listening, showing that you really appreciate what people are doing, so you recognize the value. One of the challenges we have and that we have to understand is being being so privileged to work within the health system you know, to have an impact on health requires some responsibility. You actually have to respect the very position that you're in and the responsibilities that you have so that you don't misuse your level of influence.

So not only do you need to respect others but you need to respect the position that you've been provided and you work towards it so there's a balance in how we do things but valuing others and their achievements is so important. Be encouraging, I think that's so good.

Current as at: Monday 18 November 2019