Contact us

Do you need medical care or advice?

If you or your child are unwell and you’re not sure what to do or where to go, call healthdirect. A nurse will answer your call. It's free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Emergency services

Call Triple Zero000 or visit a hospital emergency department immediately if you have chest pressure or pain lasting more than 10 minutes, difficulty breathing, uncontrollable bleeding, sudden collapse or overdose, or severe mental health concern.​​​​​​​

Mental health support

Should you, or someone you know need support, there are crisis care services available:

Contact NSW Health

There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us. Consider the following options and select the one that best suits your purpose.

Contact addresses for the NSW Ministry of Health

Street address

1 Reserve Road
St Leonards NSW 2065

Postal address

Locked Mail Bag 2030
St Leonards NSW 1590


within Australia (02) 9391 9000
outside Australia 61 2 9391 9000


within Australia (02) 9391 9101
outside Australia 61 2 9391 9101

National Relay Service

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech communication difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service.

TTY users can phone 13 36 77, then ask for (02) 9391 9000.

Voice Relay users can phone 1300 555 727, then ask for (02) 9391 9000.

Correspondence handling statement

Before sending correspondence, please ensure you are familiar with the NSW Health correspondence handling statement.


Contact page owner: NSW Ministry of Health