
​The NSW Health Rostering Resource Manual (the manual) has been developed to inform, guide and educate staff with rostering responsibilities in relation to planning, developing, maintaining and operating rosters that meet patient, staff and organisational needs.

The manual contains principles and Rostering Guidelines which outline mandatory obligations (where that is the case) with respect to rostering as well as tools to facilitate best practice rostering and reporting across the State.​​​

In consultation with NSW Health Agencies, relevant unions and associations, the RBPT is currently undertaking a full review of the NSW Health Rostering Resource Manual. The document is currently in its final stages of review. The Rostering Resource Manual Version 2.2  is still valid in the interim.​

File Size: 1667 kb
Type: Manual
Date of Publication: 22 July 2019
ISBN: 978-1-76081-215-7
SHPN: (SPS) 190388