PD2021_030 Bullying: Prevention and management of workplace bullyingCurrent.
PD2021_031 Bullying: Prevention and Management of Unacceptable Workplace Behaviours in NSW Health - JMO ModuleCurrent.
Employee assistance programsCurrent.
PSC D2001_001 Employment health assessmentCurrent.
Fatigue Management in NSW Health WorkplacesCurrent.
Rehabilitation, Recovery and Ret​urn to Work
Other Medical ​assessments - NSW Government pre-qualification scheme for employment related medical services (Scheme ID: SCM2231) This scheme will expire 17 October 2026.
DPC D2010-019 Non-work related injuries and health conditionsCurrent.
PD2015_001 Preventing and managing violence in the NSW Health workplace - A zero tolerance approach Under review.
PD2017_043 Violence prevention and management training framework for NSW Health organisationsUnder review.
Work Health and Safety Audits Current
PD2018_013 Work Health and Safety - Better Practice ProceduresUnder review.
GL2024_002 Blood and Body Substances Occupational Exposure PreventionCurrent​.
GL2023_018 Work Health and Safety - Controlling Exposure to Surgical PlumeCurrent
PD2019_044 Work Health and Safety - Limiting Staff Exposure to Ionising RadiationCurrent.
GL2024_001 Management of Patients with Bariatric NeedsCurrent​.
GL2019_007 Work Health and Safety - Other Workers EngagementCurre​​nt.​​
NSW Health Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework

Current as at: Tuesday 30 April 2024
Contact page owner: Workplace Relations