The NSW Health Aboriginal Workforce Composition Policy (PD2023_046) is intended to provide local health districts, specialty health networks and other NSW health organisations the direction to grow and develop their Aboriginal workforce. Building on its previous iteration, in its Framework form (PD2016_053), it sets out the Aboriginal workforce development priorities, targets and KPI's for NSW Health.
This Policy Directive sets out the Aboriginal workforce priorities for the period 2021-2026 and provides direction to NSW Health to deliver against six key priority areas, meet minimum Aboriginal workforce representation targets, and to report against key performance indicators (KPI).
The Policy Directive is structured around six key priority areas:
While the Aboriginal representation in the NSW health workforce has grown, organisations will continue to set their own targets, based on local Aboriginal populations and specific Aboriginal health service needs. This includes not only organisations servicing regional areas with higher Aboriginal population shares, but also organisations in the Sydney metropolitan area (incl. the Blue Mountains and the central coast) where around a third of the Aboriginal population of NSW live; and is inclusive of local government areas with large Aboriginal community populations and suburbs with large Aboriginal communities. All of NSW Health will be actively contributing to the achievement of our Aboriginal workforce – even small specialist organisations.