Finalist for Excellence in the Provision of Mental Health Services​

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District

Finalist for Excellence in the Provision of Mental Health Services -  South Eastern Sydney Local Health District 

A project to reduce seclusion rates of mental health patients at the Kiloh Centre and Mental Health Intensive Care Unit.

Consumer feedback indicates seclusion can re-traumatise patients. Seclusion is also a resource intensive strategy. To reduce seclusion incidents, the project team tested local solutions focussed on leadership, cultural change, using data for improvement and building workforce capability. Strategies included the use of more person-first language, a trauma-informed focused of care, enhancement of the physical treatment environment, sensory modulation and the engagement of diversional therapists. As a result, Prince of Wales Mental Health reduced seclusions from as high as 34 episodes per month to an average of three seclusions per month since September 2016. This reduced the overall SESLHD seclusion rate from 11.7 to 2.9 per 1000 bed days, which has had a substantial impact on the safety and quality of mental health care, and the effective use of resources.​​​

Current as at: Friday 10 November 2017