Workforce Planning and Talent Development have undertaken projects in alignment with strategies in the NSW Health Workforce Plan 2022-2023 including:

  • planning for small but critical workforces
  • workforce modelling to identify and forecast health service delivery requirements towards 2040
  • assess and consider workforce impacts of evolving models of care and creating comprehensive, collaborative solutions for workforce development.

Allied health workforce macro trends

The Allied Health Workforce Macro Trends Report brings together the findings of all 18 horizon scanning and scenario generation projects and to distil these findings into macro trends for the allied health workforce of NSW Health. The report identifies potential future opportunities and priorities for both local and state-level.

Allied health workforce educator role

The objective of the Allied Health Workforce Educator Role Project was to understand the educator needs of the NSW Health allied health workforce, the potential value of dedicated allied health educators, and benefits to the system – to inform the overarching future direction for the allied health workforce. The Allied Health Workforce Educator Role – Project Report highlights the advantages and importance of having allied health educator positions. The report also offers insight regarding a variety of educator roles and the practical next steps needed for implementation within NSW health.

Allied health graduate workforce pipeline

The Allied Health Graduate Pipeline Report highlights consistent themes and opportunities to improve the NSW Health Allied Health graduate pipeline which includes the need for a positive student pre-employment and graduate employment experience, as well as addressing key 'pressures' and 'influencers' identified in the Allied Health Professional journey. 

Allied health COVID-19 workforce innovations

The Allied Health COVID-19 Workforce Innovations Reports bring together an evaluation of the NSW Allied Health workforce models that were implemented as part of the pandemic response, many of which remain in place today as a result of their demonstrated value in delivering positive outcomes, including improved patient flow, reduced hospital admissions and positive patient experience.  

Small but critical workforces

Allied Health Workforce team

The Health Professionals Workforce plan identifies a number of small but critical workforces that require attention in order to meet the needs of a changing health care service in NSW. Small but critical workforces are defined as "Workforces which contribute critical and essential elements of a comprehensive health service, and are currently experiencing threats to meet systems needs now and into the future".

For further information on projects completed under the small but critical workforce strategy, visit:

Allied health workforce mapping projects

Allied Health Workforce team

NSW Health is undertaking workforce planning projects for allied health in NSW to identify the workforce requirements to 2030, which aligns with action 7.8 of the Health Professionals Workforce Plan 2012-2022. Phase one of these projects involves horizon scanning to identify the roles of allied health professions, challenges and drivers that are expected to influence the role of these workforces in the future. Phase 2 of these projects involves scenario generation that will be used to drive the workforce modelling:

​Allied health assistant workforce

NSW Health commissioned a horizons scanning and scenario generation project for the Allied Health Assistant (AHA) workforce. Through consultation with key stakeholders a range of views showed the critical risks and opportunities facing the AHA workforce. The consultation helped build valuable insights and consensus to inform future workforce planning.

The Allied Health Assistant Horizons Scanning and Scenario Generation Report identified 14 strategic opportunities that are supported and aligned to four overarching themes – Enablers, Enhancements, Workforce, and Education to assist with strengthening this workforce.  Within the report – each strategic opportunity is supported by recommendations that can be considered for local customisation and implementation.

Current as at: Thursday 25 July 2024